Steps for take advantage of Freelancerarchi services


STEP 1: Access the Freelancerarchi homepage.

STEP 2: Click on the “Services” button in the main menu.

STEP 3: Choose the category that best suits your needs.

STEP 4: Select the specific product or service that interests you.

STEP 5: Review the required and optional files that you need to provide to get started.

STEP 6: Indicate the surface and type of building you want to modify to calculate the estimated price and duration of the project.

STEP 7: At this stage, you will need to make a decision about payment, choosing between “Pay Later” or “Pay Now.”

STEP 8: Click on the “Sending Files” button to proceed.

Note: The method for calculating the allowed space is here


STEP 9: Proceed to upload the required files by clicking on the “Upload File” button.

STEP 10: Fill in the four important fields correctly, providing the necessary information for processing your order.

STEP 11: Choose your preferred payment method from the available options. If you choose the Pay Later option, no payment method will appear


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